Wednesday, September 14, 2011

(ever)green manicure

Nisam sigurna koliko možete dobro vidjeti sliku da biste zaključili što sam radila prije nekoliko dana. Svejedno, jedna blogerica me pitala da napravim neku manikuru u zelenoj boji pa je ovo na neki način ispunjavanje njene želje, nadam se da će joj se svidjeti.ČLitajte ovo i pratite sliku, pokušat ću opisati. Baza je Peppermint leaf Avon, trokut na vrhu je Green with envy Avon, i također neke zelene glitter točkice. Stavila sam i Essence pečate također, na svaki nokat, napravljene sa Konad lakom, te uz katetu trokuta je Golden rose nail art glitter polish 125. Nisam imala sreće sa ovom manikurom. Napravila sam je ujutro, popdne udarim o slavinu i pola trokuta uništim. Idućeg dana, operem kosu i nekoliko sjajnih točkica spadne. Dan kasnije odem na plažu i pijesak mi sastruže sav glitter koji sam stavila... :-/

I'm not sure can you see picture enough good to conclude what I did a few days ago. Anyway, one blogger asked me to make manicure in green, so this is sort of her wish, hope she'll like it. Read this and watch the pic, I'll try to describe. Base is Peppermint leaf Avon, triangle on the top is Green with envy Avon, and there are some green glitter dots. I have Essence stamping nail art also on every nail, made with Konad stamping nail polish, and also by the cathetus is Golden rose nail art glitter polish 125. All over is some glitter. I haven't had luck with this manicure. I made it in the morning, in the afternoon I hit my nail on the faucet and half of a triangle was destroyed. Next day I washed my hair and several sparkling dotts fell off. The day after Iwent to the beach and sand rubbed all glitter I strewed... :-/

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pink manicure / Essence Twins 04 mr.Big

Ponovno bih htjela proglasiti svoje zadovoljstvo sa ovim odličnim Essence-ovim lakom. Boja je tako "puna", savršeno prekriva, sjaj je ultra visok, sve je najbolje. Da sam znala da je ovako dobar, kupila bih više različitih boja, bez obzira bile na rasprodaji ili ne jer je cijena ionako bila ok. Nisam fan ružičaste boje,  ali sam fan teksture ovoga laka,zaista je zaslužio svoje ime. Količina nije tako velika, 9 ml, ali ipak dovoljna. Kao što sam rekla u jednom od svojih prvih postova, platila sam ga 10 kuna a regularna cijena je bila 17.90 HRK.
MANIKURA: ovaj put sam se odlučila na izigravanje slatkog :P Stavila sam neki kineski pečat i točkice =)

And again I would like to pronounce my satisfaction with this fantastic Essence nail polish. The colour is so "full", covers perfectly, shine is ultra high, everything is the best. If I knew it was so good, I would buy many different colours, no matter on sale or not, because however the price was ok. I'm not a fan of pink but I'm a fan of texture of this nail polish, It's really worth its name. Dose is not so much big, 9 ml, but enough. As I said in one of my first posts, I payed it 10 kuna, (cca. 1.30 €) and regular price was 17.90 kuna (cca. 2.40 €).
MANICURE: This time I played to look sweet :P Put some Chinese stamping nail art, and dots =)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Viole(n)t nails

Ponovno moj eksperiment sa crackle lakom i volim ga upotrebljavata kada želim biti primijećena.Ovo je Fashionista iz H&M i bijeli cracking top coat  iz Essence-a. Recite mi jesam uspjela? =)

So it's again my experiment with crackle nail polish and I like to use it when i want to be noticed. This is Fashionista by H&M and Essence white cracking top coat. Tell me, did I succeed? =)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Water marbeling (magic/fractal nails)

"Water marbeling je najljepša tehnika"-kažu mnogi. Za mene je, osobno, najneurednija! -.-" Imala sam ogromnih problema očistiti sve iako sam koristila ulje okolo noktiju i po prstima, ali sam poludjela! Nakon ovog rada, pokušala sam ponovno još jedan, nakon 3 dana,  imala sam neku ideju koja je zahtijevala crni lak... trebam li vam reći koje sr*nje sam morala poslije čistiti?!

"Water marbeling is the most beautiful technic" is said by many people. For me, personaly, is the messiest! -.-"
I had such a problem with cleaning even I used oil around my nails an all over fingers, but I went crazy.
After this work, I tried once again, 3 days afte,r had some idea which insisted black nail polish... do I have to tell what s*it I had to clean after?!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Black elegant nails

Jednostavno! Golden Rose 287, Essence pločica i malo srebrnog glittera po rubu cvijeta (Golden Rose Nail Art 121). =)

Simple as that! Golden Rose 287, Essence stamping plate and a bit of silver glitter on the edge of the flower. (Golden Rose Nail Art 121). =)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Piet Mondrian nail design

Dugo već razmišljam o ovom nail artu, ali sam bila toliko lijena ovih dana za stavljati sve te boje i povlačiti crne pruge... Jer radila sam to često ovih dana dok sam crtala vitrage na noktima pa mi je dosadilo ali nisam mogla dozvoliti da mi Mondrian ne bude na mojim noktima! =)

I've been thinking to do this nail art for so long, and i was so lazy to do all the colours and black stripes... Well, I was doing it very often last days making vitrage nails design so i got bored but I couldn't let Mondrian not to be on my nails! =)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Zebra crossing!

Opet sam se igrala cracking lakom. Zapravo, najprije sam nalakirala u bijelo pa mi to bilo previše mirno onda sam udarila po crackle da malo "razbijemo" bjelinu :P Nabacivala sam ga točkalicom  =)

I was playing with crackle again. Actually, first I coloured it white then it was too quiet, and then i put crackle to "crack" the whiteness :P I was putting it by nail dotter =)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Grey's nailatomy :-P

Pozdrav! :) Igrala sam se alatom, inspirirana bila blogericom Nail Crazy za ove cvjetiće. Podloga je Catrice London's weather report,a druga dva su samo crni i bijeli lak. Napravljeno točkalicom.

Howdy! :) I was playing with my tool a bit, I got inspired by blogger Nail Crazy to do theese flowers. Base is Catrice London's weather forecast, and others are just black and white nail polishes. All done with nail dotter.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What? Water?! Watermelon!

Eto već dugo gledam ljetne manikure u voćnim varijantama pa sam se i ja upustila u jednu pustolovinu izrade. Ali na nešto drugačiji način. Uočite kako je na malom prstu nokat bez točkica i kako odmah ne liči na lubenicu. =)

I've been watching summer manicures in fruity editions for so long, so I decided to "slip into" some adventure of making it.. But in some other way a bit. notice how this little finger has not the dots and looks strange, not looking like piece of  watermelon. =)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Red with details!

Ponovno moja najdraža i najeftinija klasična crvena - Golden Rose 317. I Essence pločica, napravljena sa konadovim bijelim lakom za pečatiranje. Također tu je cirkončić neki skinuti sa odjeće

It's again my favourite and the cheapest classic red - Golden Rose 317. And Essence stamping plate, made with Konad white stamping nail polish. Also there's some gem, taken off from some clothes =)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My own vitrage on nails!

Or others would say "It's mosaic.." NO, IT'S NOT! :D
Today I had bad day, except one thing: my nails - first of all, I had perfect manicure, and secondly, I won L'oreal Resist and shine 451 nail polish. I suppose it's somehow... a little bit coral red.. but some other time I'll try it and present it. I didn't use it today. Anyway, I spent 45 minutes doing this beautiful vitrage on my nails, and I don't give a damn does it look multicoloured. :D Time has gone too fast while I've been playing with colours. Do I have to say how this reminded me of Picasso and Mondrian?  Time is flying when you are having good time.:)

Ili drugi bi rekli "Pa to je mozaik..." NE, NIJE! :D
Danas sam imala loš dan, osim u jednoj stvari: noktima - najprije, napravila sam savršenu manikuru, i drugo, osvojila sam L'oreal Resist and shine 451 lak. Pretpostavljam da je nekako... koraljan... ali neki drugi put ću ga probati i predstaviti ga. Nisam ga koristila danas. Potrošila sam 45 minuta radeći ovaj prelijepi vitraj na noktima, i ne zanima me izgleda li prešareno. :D Vrijeme je brzo prošlo dok sam se igrala bojama. Moram li reći koliko me je ovo podsjetilo na Picassa i Mondriana?  Vrijeme leti kad se zabavljaš. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Celebrating GAY PRIDE!!

Pozdrav drage moje! Planirala sam ovu manikuru danima u namjeri da pokažem svijetu da ne marim ni najmanje oko buke vezane za gay paradu u Hrvatskoj koja je sutra. Ako mene pitate, ili si rođen kao gay ili je to tvoje slobodno opredjeljenje. Svejedno ova manikura me čini sretnom jer je tako vesela :))) Idemo pobrojati boje lakova na gay zastavi:
crvena je Golden Rose 317, narančasta je  Essence What do you think?, žuta Avon Sunshine, zelena Avon Peppermint leaf, plava Avon Classic fit (sa malo starog S-he 306 jer je bila pretamna, gotovo kao crna), a ljubičasta je Catrice Posion me, posion you! Bijele pruge su stara kolekcija S-he 306. Što vi mislite o gay paradi (na mojim noktima, naravno) :P? =)

Hello my darlings! I planned this manicure for days in order to show the world that I couldn't care less because of all that panic because of gay pride event in Croatia which is, by the way, tomorrow. If you ask me, gay is your natural born way or free choice. Anyway, this mani makes me happy because It's so cheerful, and it's so .... GAY!!!! :))))
Lets count polishes of gay flag:
red is Golden Rose 317, orange is Essence What do you think?, yellow is Avon Sunshine, green is Avon Peppermint leaf, blue is Avon Classic fit (with a bit of old S-he 306 because it was too dark, almost like black), and purple is Catrice Posion me, posion you! White strip is old collection S-he 306. What do you think about gay pride (on my nails, ofcourse :P)? =)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


-What do you think?
- Nail Art Twins colour base 04mr.big


-Perfect mini 26

-280 London's weathr forecast
-020 MAN, GO tango

-Vintage blue
-Luxe lavender
-Peppermint leaf

Golden Rose:

Vidjela sam ovaj nail art od svoje drage blogerice Nail Crazy ali kod nje to bolje mnogo izgleda. Uglavnom, baza je Essence What do you think? a točkice su sve i svašta, navedeno dolje.=) Naravno, koristila sam točkalicu.

I saw this nail art from my dear blogger Nail Crazy, but she got better look. Anyway the base is Essence What do you think? and those dots are "various artists", the list is on the bottom. =) I used nail dotter, ofcourse.

Monday, June 6, 2011

First time I cracked!

Ponovno Essence. Najprije imam neon žuti Golden rose (323). Ali kao što znamo Essence ne može popucati ovako kao na slici. Pokušala sam zadnji put sa bijelim i sve što mogu reći jest - bez veze. Zato sam ovaj put bila lukava. 3:) Koristila sam točkalicu. :D Neke pukotine koje vidite su razmak između mrlja od točkalice a neke su popucani lak.Stavila sam malo cracking laka na CD (koristim ga kao paletu dok radim i miješam boje i sl.) i umočila točkalicu, napravila nekoliko mrlja na noktu i pustila ih da se raspuknu. Nije loše, jel' da? Barem bolje nego kad ga koristim direktno iz bočice. U slučaju da ne znate, crackle je Essence 02 crack me! black. =)

 It's again about Essence. First of all I'm wearing neon yellow by Golden rose (323). But as we all know, Essence can't crack like this. I tried last time with white one and all i can say- IT SUCKS! So I was tricky this time. 3:) I used nail dotter :D Some cracks are made because of separated spots i made with nail dotter and some are just cracked by nail polish.
I put some cracking nail polish on CD (I use it as a palette :D) and dip nail dotter in it, put some spots on nail and let it crackle. Not bad, ha? At least it's better than i used it directly from the bottle. Oh, in case you doesn't know, crackle is Essence 02 crack me! black =)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Powered by Essence!

Actually, I bought Essence nail art stamp plates, they were on sale so I came up to this idea. I don't have so much time, so I'll just explain how I did I get this. It is sponge nail art ( my older post ), on the top is  2 drops of Catrice Man, go tango and 1 drop of Golden Rose 317, in the middle is 22 What do you think? by Essence and at the bottom is Sunshine by Avon. Very simple.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Christmas! NOW!

Moja prijetaljica za ovu manikuru je rekla da ju podsjeća na Božić. Baza je Berry Shimmer od Bath & Body Works COLOR DROPS (nisam nikad čula za tu tvrtku, "guglala" sam i našla njihov katalog ali nisam mogla naći lakove u njemu.... Na bočici piše da je proizveden u New Albanyju, u Ohiu. Ne znam u čemu je stvar? Ako ima nekoga iz SAD-a molim da da komentar). To je vjerovatno najbolji lak koji sam ikad imala. Imam ga godinama, napola prazna bočica, i nije se još zgusnuo.
Ove šljokice, to je Golden rose Nail Art 120. Zlatni glitter. Na dnu je slika kako izgleda bočica od Berry Shimmer, s time da to u njoj nije ta nijasa. =)
Indoor / Interijer
In the shadow / U sjeni

  A friend of mine said this manicure reminded her of Christmas. This base is by Bath & Body Works  COLOR DROPS Berry Shimmer ( I have never heard about this company, I've "googled" and found out their catalog but I couldn't find nail polishes in it... On the bottle writes it is produced in New Albany, Ohio. So i don't know what's the point? If there is someone from USA please comment). This is probably the best nail polish I have ever had. I have had it for years, half empty bottle, and it didn't get dense.
 Anyway, this glitter is Golden rose Nail Art 120. Golden glitter. On the bottom is a photo how does it looks that Berry Shimmer's bottle, but it isn't Berry Shimmer in it. =)

Sun light / Na suncu

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Next Evolution of Nail Polish: Texture

I copy-pasted this from

Nail polish continues to move past being merely a cosmetic decoration and into the realm of an artistic movement, this time with a host of unexpected textures and finishes. I'm particularly fond of the texture trend, because it delivers nail art in a bottle, making it both more convenient and less expensive than most other manicure artistry -- I'm looking at you, Minx.

Shatter Topcoat

The postmodern manicure! The shatter polish is applied like a regular topcoat, but as it dries it splits and crackles for an urban, gritty effect.


From left: Black Shatter by OPI, Lightning Bolt, Broken Hearted, and Cracked Concrete, all by China Glaze.


The Jason Wu collection, created in collaboration with CND, features a special effects top coat that contains silk fragments. It gives the nails a fabric-like finish, resembling tweed or suede.


From left: Brigitte, Veronica, Sophia, and Miss Wu, all shown with the Anna topcoat. From CND.


The polishes of Orly's Plastix collection dry to a pleather-like finish, making nails look as though they've been coated in rubber.


From left: Retro Red, Viridian Vinyl, Old School Orange, and Purple Pleather, all by Orly.


Matte nail polish is arguably what started the trend of alternative finishes and textures. Chalkboard flat, it is the antithesis of the typical glossy nail.


From left: Mitzi, Lolly, and Phoebe, by Zoya. Matte Smoke by Diamond Cosmetics.

Not shown but highly recommended are the kickass matte nail polishes from indie brand ManGlaze. Their selection includes a silver glitter matte called Hot Mess that looks almost like velvet and is impossible to photograph. I tried and failed.

What do you think about those nail polishes? Which one would you like to try? Have you tried one yet? =)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Look what have you done?!

Bilo je kasno navečer, kao i obično noć je vrijeme kada počinje "moje vrijeme". nalakirala sam nokte s Luxe Lavender od Avona, i počela gledati neke slike na internetu. Došla mi je ideja, ali bila sam , priznajem, umorna, pa sam odlučila učiniti nešto sutradan. Srećom, nisam ništa već učinila na noktima te večeri jer bih onda bila frustrirana jer ne mogu ništa napraviti preko toga a imam gomilu ideja. dakle, sutradan sam napravila ovo. Koristila sam Essence twins colour base 02 mr. big, Catrice Posion me, posion you!, S-he stylezone 306, i Golden Rose Nail Art 101. Za crtanje ovog cvijeta (trebao bi biti cvijet, iako izgleda kao zvijezda) koristila sam Golden Rose Nail Art 101, ali nisam bila zadovoljna, jer nisam mogla smiriti ruku i crtati pa sam odlučila pomoći si točkalicom i S-he 306. Rezultat? Jako neuredan cvijet koji liči na zvijezdu... =)

Essence twins colour base 02 mr. big, Catrice Posion me, posion you!, S-he stylezone 306, Golden Rose Nail Art 101, Luxe Lavender by Avon

It was late at night, as usually for me night is the time when starts "my time". I put Luxe Lavender by Avon on my nails, and started to watch some pics online. I came up to some idea, but I was a bit tired, I must addmit, so i decided to do it tomorrow. Luckily, I hadn't done anything on my nails yet that night, because I wolud be frustrated 'cause I can't do something over that and I have a bunch of ideas. So tomorrow I did this. I used Essence twins colour base 02 mr. big, Catrice Posion me, posion you!, S-he stylezone 306, and Golden Rose Nail Art 101. Well, for drawing this flower ( it should be a flower, even it looks like a star) I used Golden Rose Nail Art 101, but i wasn't satisfied, because I couldn't calm my hand and draw, so i decided to help myself with nail dotter and S-he 306. Result? A really messy flower looking like a star... =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sponge nail art

Ovo mi je prvi rad sa spužvicom i veoma sam zadovoljna kako izgleda. Ali nisam zadovoljna svojom kamerom stoga stavljam dvije slike. Koristila sam Catrice Posion me, posion you! za vrh noktiju, Mystic iz Avona (mislim da ga nema više za nabaviti, inače mi je to jedna od omiljenih nijansi iz Avona) samo za načiniti malo sjene i posvijetljivanje/ublažavanje ljubičaste. Dobro je jer je Mystic nešto između sedefaste ružičaste i svijetlo smeđe. Također, stavljala sam i Konad pločicu m35. Površina nokta nije glatka zbog rada spužvicom, mrzim to pa sam upotrijebila top coat, u ovom slučaju to je bio glitter topper 02 Julia od Essence Twins-a. Usput, valja napomenuti da nije u pitanju nikakva specijalna spužvica, obična ona koju koristite svakodnevno pri pranju posuđa, baš kao ova dolje. =)

This is my first sponge nail art and I'm very satisfied how does it look. But I'm not satisfied with my bad cam so I'm putting two pics. Anyway I used Catrice Posion me, posion you! for top of my nails, Mystic by Avon (I don't think it is available anymore to buy, and it is one of my favourite by Avon) just for make some shades and light violet. It is good because this Mystic is like something between shimmering pink and light brown. I also put Konad plate m35. The surface of the nail is not smooth because of "sponging", I hate that so I used top coat, in this case it was glitter topper 02 Julia from Essence Twins. Also, it's good to know it wasn't any special sponge, just that one you use everyday washing your dishes, like this one down there. =)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dots & spots

Inspirirana Uskrsom, proljećem, jajima, i jednom prekrasnom haljinom koju sam vidjela ( u ovim bojama) došla sam na ideju uraditi ovo. Iako može izgledati kao da nosim neku bež boju za podlogu, nije točno. To je Sheer pale pink iz Avona, nježna mliječna ružičasta (nisam sigurna ima li je još za kupiti. U Hrvatskoj nema već godinama). Imala sam problem, jer je vrlo svijetla morala sam nanositi dva sloja, a ni tada nije baš najbolje izgledala, ali točkice idu preko pa se neće ni vidjeti.Također, imam ovu bočicu već godinama pa je tu i drugi problem- sušenje. Traje satima xD.
Ostale boje koje sam koristila:
- zelena: Peppermint leaf iz Avona*
- ljubičasta: Luxe laveder iz Avona

- svijetlo plava: Vintage blue iz Avona
- bijela: 306 od S-he Stylezone
Zanimljivo je da su se ove točkice osušile brže od podloge.
Htjela sam malo pastelnije boje pa sam malo te zelene pomiješala sa ovom bijelom prije nego sam koristila točkalicu (sa dvije različito velike strane). Također, ovo sam radila jako kasno, u 3 ujutro pa sam neka mjesta propustila, a onda naknadno dodala točkicu, pa bih zaboravila staviti bijelu ili završnu na nju, kao ova zelena na vrhu malog prsta, ali nema veze =)

Inspired by Easter, spring, eggs and one beautiful dress I saw ( in those colors), I came up to an idea to make this. Even it can look like I'm wearing some beige nail polish as a base, it is not true. That is Sheer pale pink by Avon, soft milky pink ( I'm not sure if it is still available to buy. In Croatia haven't been for years.) I had a problem, because it is very light I had had put two coats, but even then it hadn't look so good, but dots were over so it doesn't matter. And also I have this bottle for years so we have another problem- drying. It lasts for hours xD
Other colors I used:
- green: Peppermint leaf by Avon*
- lilac: Luxe lavender by Avon
- light blue: Vintage blue by Avon
- white: 306 by S-he Stylezone
Interesting is that those spots had been dry faster than my base coat.
*I wanted some pastel colors so i mixed a bit of that green with this white, before I used nail doter (with two different size sides). Also, I was doing it late at night, It was 3 in the morning so I missed some places and then added spot there but I forgot to put white or a finish on it. Like on my little finger, that green on top, but never mind. =)

Friday, April 22, 2011

CHOOSE ME! by Essence manicure

Golden Rose Nail art
Želim prikazati jednu od svojih najdražih manikura. Urađena je pomoću zeleno-plave baze, laka nijanse CHOOSE ME od Essence-a i Golden Rose Nail art lakova, crnog (106) i bijelog (101). Stavila sam sliku Golde Rose sa interneta samo da prikažem  broj nijansi boja i kako oni izgledaju. Prilično je jednostavno napraviti ovu manikuru, a izgleda jako efektno. Jedino što treba je dobar alat i mirna ruka. Čak se i brzo suši, a bazni lak je dobar čak i u jednom sloju samo.Došla sam na ovu ideju vidjevši sliku na internetu. također, stavljam ovu malu sliku da se vidi kako ove dvije boje izgledaju efektno na ovom zeleno-plavom sedefastom laku. Ovo je vrlo neobičan lak i sviđa mi se jer me podsjeća na holo lakove. A ovo dolje je moj rad. =)

I want to present one of my favourite manicures. It is made of green/blue base, it is nail polish CHOOSE ME! by Essence and Golden Rose Nail art polishes, black (106) and white (101). I put a photo of Golden Rose from internet just to show numbers of colours and how they look. It is pretty much simple to make it and it looks very effectime. Only thing needed is good material and patience. Even all is dry quick, and base is good even with only one coat. I came up to this idea when I saw a photo on internet. Also I put this small photo just to show how do those two colours look on this beautiful shimmering blue/green. This is very unusual nail polish and I like it because it reminds me on holo nail polishes. And down here is my work. =)
Essence (CHOOSE ME), Golden Rose Nail art 101 & 106

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Viva la pink!! 2

Essence 04 mr. big, stamp, pink glitter
Evo je, manikura od danas, imam pečat iz Cniha Shopa ( u obliku čaše šampanjca), preko Essence 04 mr.big, o kojem sam pisala jučer, i imam roze šljokice preko pa izgleda kao da su konfeti preko čaše. :D Na ovoj slici se čini kao da su neki od njih ljubičasti ali nisu. Možda se čini da je previše šljokica, ali baš me briga, htjela sam nešto efektno. Možda će najveći problem biti to skinuti sa nokta. =)
Here it is, my manicure for today, I am wearing stamp from China shop ( Champange glass), over Essence 04 mr.big, and i have some pink glitter over it, so it looks like confetti over glass :D On this photo it seems like there are some of them purple but they are not. Maybe it is a bit too much glitter but i don't care, because the base is also pink and i wanted something to be effective. Maybe the biggest problem will be how to take it off the nail.=)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Viva la pink!!

Essence ( nail art twins colour base 04 mr. big )
Moram priznati da nisam obožavatelj rozih i fuksija boja ali ovu sam kupila na rasprodaji od -40% zbog, najprije, dobre cijene, a drugi razlog je bio što nemam ružičastu boju u svojoj kozmetičkoj torbici sa lakovima. Zapravo, imam, ali nisam zadovoljna njome. To su neki lakovi od Golden Rose ( 324 & 328), oba su kao fluorescentna, ali mi ne prekrivaju nokat dovoljno. A ako išta mrzim onda su to lakovi koji loše prekrivaju nokat. Sa ovim Essence-ovim ( nail art twins colour base 04 mr. big) sam iznenađena i potpuno zadovoljna. Čak je samo 1 sloj bio dovoljan, kao što se vidi na slici. Sutra ću staviti neke šljokice ili crteže tip painterom, ne mogu još odlučiti, i stavit ću sliku ovdje. =)
I must admitt I'm not a fan of pink and fuchsia colours but I bought this one on -40% sale because, first of all because of such a good prize and the other reason is that I haven't had pink in my cosmetic nail polish bag yet. Actually, I have, but I am not satisfied with it. They are some by Golden Rose ( 324 & 328), both are somehow fluorescent, but they don't cover my nail enough. And if I hate something the most it is non-covering nail polishes. With this Essence ( nail art twins colour base 04 mr. big) I am surprised and completely satisfied. Even 1 coat was enough, as you can see on photo. Tomorrow I'll put some glitters or tip painters, I can't decide yet, and put a photo here. =)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

proljeće.../ spring...

Nekako imam previše kreativnosti, a malo vremena, ali proljeće me inspirira (osobito ovo toplo vrijeme) da stavim malo svježe plave na nokte... Ovo je VINTAGE BLUE od Avona i preko njega pruge od Golden Rose Nail Art (bijeli - 101 i plavi šljokičasti - 110).
Jučer je padala kiša pa mi je trebalo nešto da me razveseli. Napravila sam ovo preko noći jer nisam mogla spavati.Ova plava me podsjeća na baby plavu. Imam potrebu da obznanim svoje osjećaje pa to činim putem laka za nokte i putem ovog posta. =)
Blue Vintage (Avon) & Golden Rose Nail Art 101 , 110

Somehow I have too much creativity and lack of time, but spring inspires ( specially this warm weather) me and made me put some fresh blue on my nails... It is VINTAGE BLUE by Avon and over it some stripes by Golden Rose Nail Art (white - 101 and blue shimmer - 110)
Yesterday was raining so I needed something to cheer me up. I made it over night because I couldn't sleep. This blue reminds me of baby blue colour. I have need to publish my feelings so I'm doing it over my nail polis and over this post. =)