(ever)green manicure
Nisam sigurna koliko možete dobro vidjeti sliku da biste zaključili što sam radila prije nekoliko dana. Svejedno, jedna blogerica me pitala da napravim neku manikuru u zelenoj boji pa je ovo na neki način ispunjavanje njene želje, nadam se da će joj se svidjeti.ČLitajte ovo i pratite sliku, pokušat ću opisati. Baza je Peppermint leaf Avon, trokut na vrhu je Green with envy Avon, i također neke zelene glitter točkice. Stavila sam i Essence pečate također, na svaki nokat, napravljene sa Konad lakom, te uz katetu trokuta je Golden rose nail art glitter polish 125. Nisam imala sreće sa ovom manikurom. Napravila sam je ujutro, popdne udarim o slavinu i pola trokuta uništim. Idućeg dana, operem kosu i nekoliko sjajnih točkica spadne. Dan kasnije odem na plažu i pijesak mi sastruže sav glitter koji sam stavila... :-/
I'm not sure can you see picture enough good to conclude what I did a few days ago. Anyway, one blogger asked me to make manicure in green, so this is sort of her wish, hope she'll like it. Read this and watch the pic, I'll try to describe. Base is Peppermint leaf Avon, triangle on the top is Green with envy Avon, and there are some green glitter dots. I have Essence stamping nail art also on every nail, made with Konad stamping nail polish, and also by the cathetus is Golden rose nail art glitter polish 125. All over is some glitter. I haven't had luck with this manicure. I made it in the morning, in the afternoon I hit my nail on the faucet and half of a triangle was destroyed. Next day I washed my hair and several sparkling dotts fell off. The day after Iwent to the beach and sand rubbed all glitter I strewed... :-/
šteta šta se nije dulje zadržala, baš mi se sviđa :-D