Friday, June 10, 2011

Celebrating GAY PRIDE!!

Pozdrav drage moje! Planirala sam ovu manikuru danima u namjeri da pokažem svijetu da ne marim ni najmanje oko buke vezane za gay paradu u Hrvatskoj koja je sutra. Ako mene pitate, ili si rođen kao gay ili je to tvoje slobodno opredjeljenje. Svejedno ova manikura me čini sretnom jer je tako vesela :))) Idemo pobrojati boje lakova na gay zastavi:
crvena je Golden Rose 317, narančasta je  Essence What do you think?, žuta Avon Sunshine, zelena Avon Peppermint leaf, plava Avon Classic fit (sa malo starog S-he 306 jer je bila pretamna, gotovo kao crna), a ljubičasta je Catrice Posion me, posion you! Bijele pruge su stara kolekcija S-he 306. Što vi mislite o gay paradi (na mojim noktima, naravno) :P? =)

Hello my darlings! I planned this manicure for days in order to show the world that I couldn't care less because of all that panic because of gay pride event in Croatia which is, by the way, tomorrow. If you ask me, gay is your natural born way or free choice. Anyway, this mani makes me happy because It's so cheerful, and it's so .... GAY!!!! :))))
Lets count polishes of gay flag:
red is Golden Rose 317, orange is Essence What do you think?, yellow is Avon Sunshine, green is Avon Peppermint leaf, blue is Avon Classic fit (with a bit of old S-he 306 because it was too dark, almost like black), and purple is Catrice Posion me, posion you! White strip is old collection S-he 306. What do you think about gay pride (on my nails, ofcourse :P)? =)


  1. I really love your nails!

    Too bad that in a lot of countrys in the world Gay isn't approved yet. I really hope that in the future the gayprides aren't necessery anymore, and when there are gayprides, it hasn't this meaning anymore.

  2. krasni noktići... i spretne ruke, trebalo je to sve posložit :-D
    i definitivno podržavam gestu - šta koga briga s kim mu susjed spava, živite i pustite druge da žive :-D

  3. Slažem se,ja nemam ništa protiv,neka se ljudi vole :)))Krasni noktići ;)
