Tražila sam neke lijepe neon nijanse ružičaste, zelene ili narančaste. Našla sam gabrini u nekom China shopu. To je u redu - mislila sam. Nije bio neon ali je bila Ljetna boja kao što sam htjela. Kupila sam ružičastu i zelenu. Bila sam tako sretna da sam zelenu stavila odmah sljedećeg dana. Nakon 20 sati, otišla sam se kupati i sunčati. Na putu kući primijetila sam veoma čudnu stvar - nokti mi više nisu bili neon zeleni nego mentol zeleni. Što se dogodilo, ne znam. Koristila sam bazni lak kao i uvijek, nisam koristila nadlak. nakon " dana, probala sam ružičasti i nisam primijetila da se isto dogodilo. Tu su slike da vidite razliku između neon zelene (svježe boje) i mentol zelene (stare 2 dana).
I was looking for some beautiful neon shades in pink, green or orange. I found Gabrini in some China shop. That's fine - I thought. It wasn't neon, but it was Summer colour like I wish. I bought pink and green. I was so happy, I put on green the very next day. After 20 hours, I went swimming and sunbathing. When I was on my way home, I noticed very strange thing - my nails weren't neon green but menthol green.What had happened, I don't know. I applied base coat as usual, I didn't apply top coat. After 2 days, I tried on pink, and I didn't notice the same thing happen. Here are the pics so you can see the bottle and the difference between menthol green (2 days old) and neon green (fresh colour).
I was looking for some beautiful neon shades in pink, green or orange. I found Gabrini in some China shop. That's fine - I thought. It wasn't neon, but it was Summer colour like I wish. I bought pink and green. I was so happy, I put on green the very next day. After 20 hours, I went swimming and sunbathing. When I was on my way home, I noticed very strange thing - my nails weren't neon green but menthol green.What had happened, I don't know. I applied base coat as usual, I didn't apply top coat. After 2 days, I tried on pink, and I didn't notice the same thing happen. Here are the pics so you can see the bottle and the difference between menthol green (2 days old) and neon green (fresh colour).
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ReplyDeletema da, svašta baš... ali meni se svejedno sviđa :D