Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Splash manicure

Hy to all, I was playing with my nails this afternoon, It took me for an hour, It worth it, not as much as vitrage nails because I didn't have needed precision. Also there is a team of polishes I used: Flormar 41 Supershine, Catrice MAN GO tango,  Avon Peppermint leaf, S-he 233, Essence: 07 Chuck and 04 Mr. Big.


Pozdrav svima, igrala sam se opet popodne, oduzelo mi je sat vremena, vrijedilo je, iako ne toliko kao  vitrage nails jer nisam imala potrebnu preciznost. također tu je i tim lakova koje sam koristila:  Flormar 41 Supershine, Catrice MAN GO tango,  Avon Peppermint leaf, S-he 233, Essence: 07 Chuck i 04 Mr. Big.



  1. slažem se, vitrage nokti jesu bili bolji ali ni ovo uopće nije loše :D

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