Saturday, January 19, 2013

Poker nails/Cards nails

To make this, take two hours free. But you won't notice time had passed because while you are sketching one nail, the other is dry. Over all I put Essence better than gel nails Top coat and it can lasts for days but i took it off after three and made something new. Also, those circons I used are not from nail art kit, they are taken down from some clothes, and they are really really really beautiful - you can recycle them, their size is fine and the best of all - I did't pay them. I took few photos. Also, I had an accident while drying. The circon moved (while I was trying to put pyjamas) and spoiled everything. so next day I did two nails again. But then once again, one card looked like it's melting. If you look at picture closely, you can notice that.

Da biste napravili ovo, uzmite si dva sata vremena slobodno. Ali nećete ni primijetiti da su prošla dva sata jer dok crtate jedan nokat, drugi je već suh. Preko svega sam stavila Essence Better than gel nails nadlak pa može stajati danima ali sam je ja skinula nakon 3 dana i napravila nešto novo. Također, ovi cirkoni nisu iz opreme za nail art nego su skinuti s neke odjeće i stvarno su prekrasni - možete ih ponovno upotrijebiti, veličina im je u redu i najbolje od svega - nisam ih platila. Uhvatila sam nekoliko fotografija. Također, imala sam nesreću za vrijeme sušenja. Cirkon se pomaknuo (dok sam pokušavala obući pidžamu) i sve upropastio. Stoga sam sljedećeg dana morala sve ispočetka. Ipak, onda je ponovno jedna karta izgledala kao da se topi. Ako pozorno pogledate slike, možete to primjetiti.




  1. cute and fresh, I dont think I saw many poker nails before :)

  2. I agree, very unusual, i had done it once before but they are rare to see so I decide to do it again. :) thanx for comment
