Sunday, December 7, 2014

Palette Instant Color disaster

Howdy people!
I decided to dedicate a post on this blog to my hair. In short - I was bored, and from that stupid reason I decided to color my hair.In non-permanent color which will be washed out in 6-8 washes. And I bought Palette Instant Color in shade Granat red

Pozdrav ljudi!
Odlučila sam posvetiti jedan post svojoj kosi. Ukratko - bilo mi je dosadno i iz tog glupog razloga sam odlučila obojati kosu. U privrenmenu boju koja se ispire za 6-8 pranja. Kupila sam Palette Instant Color u nijansi Granat red.

My hair is naturally dark blonde but using some shampoos and conditioners specialized for blond hair I made it more blonde. I'm using Balea More blond line of products.

Moja kosa je prirodno tamnoplava ali korištenjem šampona i regeneratora specijaliziranih za plavu kosu, dovela sam je do još plavlje. Koristim liniju More blond od Balee.

 So, once upon a time I looked like this:
Dakle, nekad sam izgledala ovako:


I used mild shampoo, like this Afrodita's.  Koristila sam blagi šampon, ovaj Afroditin.

 After 2 pieces of red Palette's Instant color and 30min i washed out my hair, put Nivea's conditioner on it, I dryed my hair and I got this.

Nakon 2 komada crvene Palette boje i 30 minuta, isprala sam ksou, stavila Nivea regenerator i dobila ovo:

The colour disaster. I had 50 shades of red on my head. I've tried so many ways to cover it, So i tried braid, straight or one-sided, pony tail, even a bun.  Nothing helped. From every angle you could see that my hair has shades. the thing is that my left side was "redder" than the right side.

Kolor- katastrofu. Imala sam 50 nijansi crvene na glavi. Probala sam puno načina da to sakrijem. tako sam probala pletenicu, ravnu, jednostranu, konjski rep, čak i punđu. Ništa nije pomoglo. Iz svakog kuta se vidjelo da je kosa u pramenovima. stvar je bila i u tome da mi je lijeva strana bila crvenija od desne.

So I went to wash my hair once again. And this time I used apple cider vinegar. The vinegar helped a bit to wash the colour out but nothing special. I used it instead of conditioner. This next picture in blue shirt is under the neon light.

Stoga sam otišla ponovno oprati kosu. Ovog puta sam koristila jabučni ocat umjesto regeneratora. Pomogao je malo isprati boju, ali ništa posebno. Ova iduća slika u plavoj majici je ispod neonskog svjetla.

Just to mention that once I used Palette's instant color shade Dark brown. The difference was barely there. But I had used one packet, I think. And I used water to make a bit of foam. and now I didn't add water on my hair. And when i wished my blonde back, I just used vinegar instead od conditioner.

Samo da napomenem da sam već jednom koristila ove Palette i to najtamniju smeđu nijansu.razlika je bila jedva primjetna.Ali jedan paketić, mislim. I koristila sam vodu tako da zapjenim, a sad nisam dodavala vodu na kosu. Kad sam poželjela svoju lavu natrag, samo sam koristila ocat umjesto regeneratora.

Anyway, my red colour disaster maybe was caused by non adding water while I was shampooing colour in my hair. So i continued to wash my hair everyday or every 2 days ( regularly I wash it 2-3 times a week). I think this was very shocking for my hair. Next few days I spent losing my nerves because I could't remove that damn red. (dailx light picture)

Moja crvena katastrofa je možda bila uzrokovana nedodavanjem vode dok sam šamponirala kosu. Pa sam nastavila praati kosu svaki dan ili svako 2 dana ( inače je perem 2-3 puta tjedno). mislim da jeovo bilo jako šokantno za moju kosu. Nekoliko idućih dana sam provela gubeći živce jer nisam mogla maknuti tu prokletu crvenu. (slika na dnevnom svjetlu)

 I've tried More blond shampoo from Balea. Nothing special. I've googled how to remove color dye from your hair. And I found a recipe: baking soda + shampoo + lemon juice. I made that but in very small quantity. But it helped a bit and that "a bit" was more than everything till then.So I became orangehead. My hair colour was cooper. And the shades were more equal.Pretty satisfying. But I'm still losing my minde because I have that red shine. And my hair next to my face was very light blonde, now it is almost light pink. I hate it. I was considering to go cut it of, (level -next to my chin). But today I did again that baking soda + shampoo + lemon juice recipe. I used a bit more. 

2 tablespoons mix with 2 tblsp of shampoo. Mix it well, it will start to look like cream. Add 1 lemon (2-3 tblspoons of juice). All well mix up to get foam. Put it on your hair for 45-60min and leave. Put a bathing hat on your hair or just ordinary nylon bag just to save your clothes. and wrap it with towel. 

Probala sam More blond šampon od Balee. Ništa posebno. Guglala sam kako maknuti boju iz kose. našla sam recept: soda bikarbona + šampo + limunov sok, napravila sam ali u maloj količini. ali je pomoglo više nego sve do sad. Napokon su moje nijanse i pramenovi izgledali ujednačeno. Pa sam postala narančasta. Kosa boje bakra.Ali još ludim jer imam crveni sjaj, Kosa pokraj lica je bila jako svijetla, sada je gotovo svijetlo roza. Mrzim to. razmatrala sam i opciju šišanja do brade. danas sam napravila ponovno recept sa sodom.Koristila sam ga malo više. evo recepta:

2 žlice sode pomješati sa 2 žlice šampona i dobro izmješati. postat će smjesa kao šlag. Dodati jedan iscjeđen limun - otprilike 2-3 žlice soka i sve pomješati da se zapjeni. staviti na kosu 45-60 min i pustiti da djeluje. Stavite na glau kapu za tuširanje ili kesu da se ne cijedi i prekrijte ručnikom. 

This is how I look now. But the people said that my hais still shines red.
Sad ovako izgledam. Ali ljudi kažu da mi kosa još uvijek sjaji crvenkasto.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Gabrini Summer edition - NEON

Tražila sam neke lijepe neon nijanse ružičaste, zelene ili narančaste. Našla sam gabrini u nekom China shopu. To je u redu - mislila sam. Nije bio neon ali je bila Ljetna boja kao što sam htjela. Kupila sam ružičastu i zelenu. Bila sam tako sretna da sam zelenu stavila odmah sljedećeg dana. Nakon 20 sati, otišla sam se kupati i sunčati. Na putu kući primijetila sam veoma čudnu stvar - nokti mi više nisu bili neon zeleni nego mentol zeleni. Što se dogodilo, ne znam. Koristila sam bazni lak kao i uvijek, nisam koristila nadlak. nakon " dana, probala sam ružičasti i nisam primijetila da se isto dogodilo. Tu su slike da vidite razliku između neon zelene (svježe boje) i mentol zelene (stare 2 dana).

I was looking for some beautiful neon shades in pink, green or orange. I found Gabrini in some China shop. That's fine - I thought. It wasn't neon, but it was Summer colour like I wish. I bought pink and green. I was so happy, I put on green the very next day. After 20 hours, I went swimming and sunbathing. When I was on my way home, I noticed very strange thing - my nails weren't neon green but menthol green.What had happened, I don't know. I applied base coat as usual, I didn't apply top coat. After 2 days, I tried on pink, and I didn't notice the same thing happen. Here are the pics so you can see the bottle and the difference between menthol green (2 days old) and neon green (fresh colour).

Friday, February 1, 2013

Owl nails

A few days ago, I saw this manicure on some web. After that, a dear friend of mine (Nail crazy) did also this, so I decided It's time to do my own Owl nails or I'll be "demode". :D

Prije nekoliko dana vidjela sam ovu manikuru na jednoj web stranici a onda je i jedna moja draga prijateljica (Nail crazy) napravila jednaku, stoga sam odlučila da moram i  ja napraviti svoju Sova manikuru inače ću biti "demode". :D

So I grabbed my polishes, made an real army, using O.P.I. Gloria Red, Flormar Supershine 41, Golden Rose 287 Provitamin, s-he 233, Avon Luxe lavender, Avon Peppermint leaf, Catrice Easy peasy lemon squeezy, Essence nail art twins 07 Chuck, Avon Vintage blue, Catrice MAN GO tango, Essence What do you think?, golden rose 258 Provitamin and, finally, Essence Multi dimension Most wanted.

Stoga sam zgrabila svoje lakove, napravila pravu vojsku, koristeći  O.P.I. Gloria Red, Flormar Supershine 41, Golden Rose 287 Provitamin, s-he 233, Avon Luxe lavender, Avon Peppermint leaf, Catrice Easy peasy lemon squeezy, Essence nail art twins 07 Chuck, Avon Vintage blue, Catrice MAN GO tango, Essence What do you think?, golden rose 258 Provitamin i, napokon, Essence Multi dimension Most wanted. 

Ofcourse, I used a nail dotter, Without it, it's very hard. And tis is the result:

Naravno, koristila sam i točkalicu, bez nje je jako teško. Ovo je rezultat:


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Splash manicure

Hy to all, I was playing with my nails this afternoon, It took me for an hour, It worth it, not as much as vitrage nails because I didn't have needed precision. Also there is a team of polishes I used: Flormar 41 Supershine, Catrice MAN GO tango,  Avon Peppermint leaf, S-he 233, Essence: 07 Chuck and 04 Mr. Big.


Pozdrav svima, igrala sam se opet popodne, oduzelo mi je sat vremena, vrijedilo je, iako ne toliko kao  vitrage nails jer nisam imala potrebnu preciznost. također tu je i tim lakova koje sam koristila:  Flormar 41 Supershine, Catrice MAN GO tango,  Avon Peppermint leaf, S-he 233, Essence: 07 Chuck i 04 Mr. Big.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Animal print - leopard

Oops, I did it again, I played with animal print manicure... I think I'm really gonna use it when I want effective manicure to be done in less then 10 minutes. I love these, even they look like some bacteria under the microscope when you look at them closely, but from a far they look very unusual and pay attention. And i thing I got good combination of colours! ;) I used Flormar yellow Supershine 41, Golden Rose 287 and Avon Mystic 8one of my favourite Avon nail polishes that hasn't been in offer for years, unfortunately :( )

Ups, ponovno sam to napravila, igrala sam se sa životinskim uzorkom na manikuri... Mislim da ću ovo zaista koristiti kad želim efektnu manikuru u manje od 10 minuta. Sviđa mi se iako izgledaju kao malo baketerije pod mikroskopom kad ih pogledaš izbliza, ali izdaleka  izgledaju vrlo neobično i privlače pažnju. I mislim da imam dobru kombinaciju boja. Koristila sam Flormar žuti supershine nijansa 41, Golden Rose 287 i Avon Mystic (jedan od 5 najdaražih Avonovih lakova kojeg su već godinama unatrag povukli iz prodaje nažalost :( )

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bloody dice manicure

Today I decided to spice up my manicure I did yesterday.
Danas sam odlučila malo začiniti manikuru koju sam radila jučer.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dice nails / Kocka nokti

This is very good combination, white and black nail polish, very effective. They pay atention. And this manicure is less hard than my last one. :D All you need is a very hard pigmented white nail polish, black one, and nail dotter. Also, there is a tip: it seems you can do bigger dots if you touch a nail surface fast with a dotter than when you slowly close it to the nail and then do just a touch.

Ovo je veoma dobra kombinacija, crni i bijeli lak, jako efektna. Privlači pažnju. Ova manikura je manje zahtjevna od one moje prethodne :D Sve što trebate je veoma pigmentiran bijeli lak, jedan crni i točkalicu. Također, imam jednu malo preporuku: čini se da možete napraviti veće točke ako dotaknete točkalicom površinu nokta brzo, nego kad to učinite sporo, približavajući se noktu i učinite samo lagani dodir.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Poker nails/Cards nails

To make this, take two hours free. But you won't notice time had passed because while you are sketching one nail, the other is dry. Over all I put Essence better than gel nails Top coat and it can lasts for days but i took it off after three and made something new. Also, those circons I used are not from nail art kit, they are taken down from some clothes, and they are really really really beautiful - you can recycle them, their size is fine and the best of all - I did't pay them. I took few photos. Also, I had an accident while drying. The circon moved (while I was trying to put pyjamas) and spoiled everything. so next day I did two nails again. But then once again, one card looked like it's melting. If you look at picture closely, you can notice that.

Da biste napravili ovo, uzmite si dva sata vremena slobodno. Ali nećete ni primijetiti da su prošla dva sata jer dok crtate jedan nokat, drugi je već suh. Preko svega sam stavila Essence Better than gel nails nadlak pa može stajati danima ali sam je ja skinula nakon 3 dana i napravila nešto novo. Također, ovi cirkoni nisu iz opreme za nail art nego su skinuti s neke odjeće i stvarno su prekrasni - možete ih ponovno upotrijebiti, veličina im je u redu i najbolje od svega - nisam ih platila. Uhvatila sam nekoliko fotografija. Također, imala sam nesreću za vrijeme sušenja. Cirkon se pomaknuo (dok sam pokušavala obući pidžamu) i sve upropastio. Stoga sam sljedećeg dana morala sve ispočetka. Ipak, onda je ponovno jedna karta izgledala kao da se topi. Ako pozorno pogledate slike, možete to primjetiti.



Animal print manicure

 am suprised how good it came out. I used Golden Rose nail art 106, Golden Rose nail art 107 and Catrice's MAN, Go tango! I had a bit problems with GR nail art 106 (black) because I've had it for long time and it is very viscous so it produced thin stripes all the time I tried to use nail dotter. And this hairy surface is my yellow cat. :D
Ovo je moja prva animal print manikura. Nisam njezin obožavatelj pa sam je izbjegavala raditi. Mođutim, iznenadila sam se kako je dobro ispala. koristila sam Golden Rose nail art 106, Golden Rose nail art 107 i Catrice MAN, Go tango! Imala sam problema sa crnim crtačem od GR jer ga imam već dugo i postao je jako viskozan (zgusnuo se) pa je cijelo vrijeme proizvodio one tanke niti dok sam koristila točkalicu. A ova dlakava pozadina je moja žuta mačka :D

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

O.P.I. Gloria Red

I was so happy to have O.P.I. in 55% off. It cost me cca. 6 € and the colour is beautiful. It's darker than ##FF0000, even on this pictures of mine looks like ##FF0000. I was so amazed with this colour, It's so pin-up, so elegant, so sexy, I don't know how to express myself and awesomeness of it. Just take a look.

The colour is hard to catch so I tryed even from some other blog but it's not so much better. Even the weather today is lousy so I can't catch it better. And this is s-he nail sticker.

Bila sam tako sretna d amogu nabaviti O.P.I. po 55% nižoj cijeni. koštao me otprilike 6 € a boja je prekrasna. Tamnija je od ##FF0000. Bila sam totalno zadivljena ovom bojom. tako je pn-up, tako elegantna, seksi, klasična, ne znam kako se izraziti i objasniti njezinu ljepotu. Samo pogledajte.

Boju je jako teško uloviti pa sam probala sa nekog drugog bloga ali nije mnogo bolje. čak je i vrijeme danas ušljivo pa je ne mogu uloviti bolje. Ovo su s-he naljepnice.